What is Public Policy?

We’ve been engaged with public policies more than we acknowledge. Sometimes influencing it, but most of the time, observing it. However, what exactly is a public policy?

Types of Public Policy

In this article, we will discuss the various types of public policy. We will explore the prominent categorization of public policies: by cost and benefits; and by roles and purposes.

How Public Policies are Made?

We've learned the definitions and attributes. We are acquainted with the different types. Now, let's learn about the policymaking process and discover how public policies are made.

Approaches to Policymaking

The policymaking process posited by various scholars may have similarities in stages and phases. However, note that not all policymaking are done similarly. Often, it depends on the problem's demand.

How Public Policies are Funded?

We have a grasp on what public policies are and what it does. Now, let's explore how public policies are funded. In this article, we'll learn the various sources of funds, the ways government collects it, and their primary approach to allocate these resources